Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Fight Off Disease With Annual Tree Services

Over the past few years a variety of diseases have attacked the trees of the Philadelphia area.  When you hire quality tree services Philadelphia has available, you can prevent loss of valuable landscaping while protecting the appearance of your home by treating diseased trees before they lose foliage or limbs.

  • Spring Trimming and Feeding: Philadelphia tree services will come out in the spring before your trees are in full leaf. They will trim back winter damage, provide valuable feeding for your prize specimens and carefully look for larva that can grow into destructive insects.
  • Fall Care and Inspection: In the autumn after the leaves have fallen, call out your reliable tree services Philadelphia provides to remove weakened limbs, raise the crown of dangling limbs and ensure your trees are in good health to withstand the upcoming winter.
  • Treatment Can Save You Money: If fungus or disease is spotted during inspections, fungicides and pesticide treatments can be applied by your Philadelphia tree services.  While the removal of a diseased tree can run in the thousands, you can save the tree and your wallet by eradicating the disease and enjoying your trees for years to come.

Give your local tree service a call to set up you annual inspection and talk to a tree expert to improve the health and longevity of your landscaping. You've loved that massive oak for years, why shouldn't you enjoy it for even longer?